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Integration with Azure

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WEBINAR video: Integrating MedDream Viewer with Azure Health Data Services. 2023-04-06

Agenda of the webinar:

  • Introduction and Overview;
  • Demonstrating of simulated hospital network environment with DICOM service and MedDream Viewer;
  • Workflow with PACS, DICOM service and MedDream Viewer;
  • MedDream Viewer for Azure Health Data Service;
  • Installing and configuring of MedDream Viewer Docker for Azure Health Data Service;
  • Answering the questions of attendees.


Speaker: Marius Šadauskas, System Integrator at Softneta.
Speaker: Matthew Mitrik, Principal Program Manager Health Data + AI at Microsoft.
Guest Speaker: John F Kalafut, PhD, Co-Founder & CEO of Asher Orion Group.
Guest Speaker: Artūras Gruodis, Chief Integration Officer at Softneta.
Moderator: Renata Kalniūnienė, Marketing Project Manager at Softneta.

During the webinar, these questions from the attendees were answered:

  • Can you update the installed version to the most recent, without uninstalling?
  • Does Microsoft plans to push for the direct integration/ingestion of data streams coming out of local DICOM devices?
  • Can PACS, DICOM services and MedDream Viewer for Azure Health Data Services be integrated with on-premise working RIS/HIS solutions?
  • Multi AI algorithms marketplace integration with Viewer?
  • How to share the dicom images to the referral doctor or patient?
  • General description of MedDream Viewer, Softneta offer, what is PACS, Azure Health, overlapping between these offers.
  • 24/7 Support availability for US Market.
  • Can I define Shortcuts in MedDream Viewer?
  • Any github repo showing integration?
  • What is the price? (For prices quotes please contact Softneta at:
  • I want to know prices and opportunities in México. (For prices quotes please contact Softneta at:
  • For Microsoft: when you mentioned “the modality passed the image to the router which in turn forwarded the image to the PACS and the cloud”, where is the PACS physically located.
  • Does this PACS need significant archiving capacity (several terabytes) locally at the hospital?
  • Is there a way we can get the measurements if the MedDream is used via iFrame (like event API)?
  • Please provide info about Azure DICOM Service Pricing.
  • Does a medical imaging clinic still need a PACS (like Orthanc or PacsOne) with the Azure/MedDream combination?
  • Is it possible to use MedDream Lite with Azure?
  • Does MedDream expose analytics such as blob storage usage, network usage, etc. at the dicom file and/or active viewer level?
  • Do you have tools to anonymize automatically? Does it remove PHI from the image itself?
  • For Microsoft: Could you tell us what other StandAlone DICOM routers and connection management tools there are?
  • Is Azure Dicom Service subject to EU MeDev regulations (EU Medical Device Directive)? Is it CE certified and what Class? Is it cleared for Diagnostic Purposes?
  • To expand on 24/7 Support, much of medical imaging needs high availability and 24/7 support. Are there service contracts with MedDream where we can get 24/7 support if needed.
  • What types of response time?
  • Is there a way to take key images and transfer those images to another application (report writer)? Do you have some suggestions of flexible report writers (question both for MedDream and Microsoft).
  • Is the PACS locally installed at the hospital used at least to communicate with the modalities to provide them with the worklists and to archive (locally) the images produced by the said modalities to then send them to the Azure cloud?
  • How would you connect non-dicom or document and media files with Azure Health data and MedDream? Additionally, is there any precaching support or performance best practices?
  • Does Azure health data service support XDS-I.b especially RAD-68?
  • Are we to understand that the prefetch of images is no longer necessary in the local PACS of the hospital since the history of a patient is already in Azure and available directly by MedDream for radiologists on Azure?
Read more about the webinar.